Electile Dysfunction, Part Deux.
So. We'll have four more years of shrubbery to contend with. See, I can swallow that one. He actually won the popular vote this time, therefore that's what our country wants. Power of the people and all. I can deal with that, really. But there's one thing that has really upset me.
The Buckeye State (in all of its infinite wisdom) passed Issue One. This will amend our state constitution to "define marriage as between one man and one woman". Other states have passed similar measures as well. Now, we've all established that I've very hetero (with the exception of that one dream involving Lindsey Lohan ... but I digress ...). Where do I, as a person, get off telling someone who they can and can not marry? For that matter, heteros have done SOOOOO well with the whole marriage thing up till now ... yours truly included.
For once in his life (ha ha) R had a good point. "Marriage", on the face of it, is strictly based in religion. He's right. And our government has NO PLACE in my church (and vice versa). Marriage, in the eyes of the state and other governments, is merely a contract specifying next-of-kin and property rights and such. By imposing such limits ("between one man and one woman"), the government is essentially mandating who can and cannot initiate a contract. Discriminate much? Sheesh! I think we need to leave the "marriage" part to the churches to administer, and let people initiate contracts as they see fit.
Add in: the douchebag in South Carolina. He believes that "single mothers and gay people have no right to teach our children". Whatever, you jackass. I'm pretty sure that I could run moral and ethical circles around you, and I'm the devil incarnate in your eyes. Being a single mom and all, that makes me a second class citizen ... because I didn't stay in a situation that wasn't positive for myself or my daughter. What frightens me even more is that enough people actually voted for him so that he could be a decision-maker in that state. Unfrickinbelievable.
Anyhow, I'm really annoyed at the turn our country has taken. I'm truly shocked and saddened that we are regressing back to a time where people aren't valued BECAUSE they are people ... instead they are devalued because of their sexual orientation, their situation, and the color of their skin. We seem to have forgotten that "liberty and justice for all" means just what it says ... FOR ALL. Black, white, gay, straight, female, male ... ALL OF US. I'm not angry enough to up and move to another country (not quite yet), but I am sorely disappointed in our electoral process ... and America as a whole. You had better bet that I will work even more, and even harder, with MoveOn PAC.
ADDENDUM: This post was sent via e-mail and didn't show up again. Indicative of the kind of day I've had. Suffice it to say: I'm about *thisclose* to the padded cell, and it honestly has nothing to do with politics.