not-so-dirty laundry
not-so-dirty laundry
love, ambition, sex, designer handbags, hotties in yankees caps ... the daily brain-dump of a twenty-something
Friday, October 29, 2004

Not to be confused with Duhhh-bya.

1. I've noticed that I make a lot of numbered lists. "To Do's" if you will. Is this a compulsion of mine, or is it just an odd character flaw?

2. Quite possibly the weirdest thing that Princess received at Tricky-Treat last night: five pennies, stacked, tightly wrapped in aluminum foil, and glued shut with a hot-glue gun. When shown to Jason (a coworker) this morning he mentioned that people used to do that in his hometown. And then he said: "You know what that shit got ya in MY hood? Dented aluminum siding." heh heh. Speaking of Tricky-Treat ... if you want to see pictures of Princess and her partner in crime (Girlfriend's daughter), just drop me a line.

4. My stomach hurts. Why, you ask? Because I have an unnatural affection for Reese's cups and Milky Way Dark bars. I love dark chocolate. The best I've ever had was this stuff I bought when I was in Aruba (a Dutch possession). It was literally BLACK it was so dark. OHHHH and bittersweet ... mmmm. It was so fabulously rich that I could only eat a bite at a time, the package of it lasted me a full week.

5. I want some Tang. Murphy was eating Coffee-Mate by the spoonful yesterday, and it made me think about how I like to eat Tang powder right out of the jar. Other recent culinary obsessions include: Ramen noodles. As discussed with D, those must be some fabulously made noodles. 6 packs for 66 cents? I shudder to think of how they are actually made. Ahh hell, they're tasty. I prefer the pork flavor, but have recently been smitten with the creamy chicken flavor. OK really ... they taste pretty much the same. The wrappers are just different colors.

6. Weekend plans: Have Princess tonight, as R has tix to hear Duhhh-bya and Ahhh-nuld speak at Nationwide Arena. Trying to find someone to go with to the Edwards rally on Saturday AM. Then Saturday evening, have plans with D ... yay! Then Sunday, mass at 11 and then meeting G (whom I've decided is FAR better as a friend than a boyfriend) and the rest of the crew for a little football and beer at Bee-Dub's at 1-ish.

And Lucky Number Seven: Check out "Midwest Farmer's Daughter" (linked in the sidebar over yonder). K is an email pal from WAY back that found me by way of Lunasea. Check her out, send her some love.

POST SCRIPT: Fucking Blogger. Why can't I post via email anymore?