not-so-dirty laundry
not-so-dirty laundry
love, ambition, sex, designer handbags, hotties in yankees caps ... the daily brain-dump of a twenty-something
Monday, August 23, 2004

What's Your Type?
And Other Musings.

The "What's Your Type?" question surfaces frequently. I don't think that everyone has a "type", really. I know that some guys' type is: "Female. Big boobs. State of consciousness negotiable."

But I can look back and realize that I generally am attracted to a certain kind of man, with rare exception. There are other things that turn me on, but this is just a generalization.

Taller than I am. I'm 5'9" tall. I have a 34 inch inseam. I prefer a man to be taller than I am when I wear heels (at least 6'0" tall is a must). With one exception, shorter than 6' tall boys need not apply.

Blonde (or, at very least, very light brown hair). I tend to be attracted to lighter complected men. There are a few exceptions (J, B, The Rebel Phase, and The TKE).

Blue Eyes. If they sparkle when he is thinking something mischievious, all the better. Big blue bedroom eyes ... mmmmm. They just do something to me.

Athletic. I'm not talking world-class athlete here, I'm talking able to walk more than a mile without getting winded. Able to keep up with me. Able to pin me down / overpower me when I get a little wild. Because it does happen.

Broad Shoulders, And A Bigger Body Type. I like to have arms wrapped completely around me, and my entire body just totally enveloped by his. I think it's a subconscious "safety" thing.

Funny. To me, there is NOTHING more attractive than a man with a great sense of humor. Arm-Candy type of guys are great, but they are even hotter when you can carry on a conversation with them.

Cocky. But Not A Jerk. Self-confidence is a HUGE turn on. A confident man is generally FAR better in life (and in bed). Mind you, there's a fine line, a delicate balance between being cocky and being a jackass. Cocky men with just a *teeny tiny* edge of shyness when around a woman alone will win my heart every time.

The Quintessential "Manly Man". I'm a sucker for a man that's masculine. Not the big hairy mountain man types, but someone that isn't a total sensitive "overly in touch with his feelings" or "metrosexual" kind of guy. With one exception, I've never been much for the "pretty boys". I would generally break them like little Barbie dolls, so I just don't find them attractive.

Communicative. I like a guy that will tell me what is on his mind, without being afraid / ashamed / embarrassed. A man that can pick up the phone and call me with or without good reason. A guy that understands a quick voice mail will keep you in the front of my mind. A well-timed (and nicely worded) e-mail will surely charm you back into my good graces ... even if you've been a jerk for at least a month. Maybe even two. :)

Romantic, But Not Smothering. Be original, guys. Blah red roses blah. Find out what makes me tick, and use that. I'm not talking a "Say Anything" kind of grand gesture here, it's the little things that count. Don't just do something romantic just for the sake of being what society deems romantic - do it because you MEAN it.

PDA. Not talking "jump me and hump me in public" here (although that is on my "to do" list). I'm talking about holding my hand, kissing me in front of people, calling me in front of your friends. Reach out and inconspicuously grab my ass as we're walking. Let me catch you looking at my four-star rack. A girl likes it when you show her, in front of people, that you find her attractive.

A Great Smile. I love those "I'm up to something" smiles. Look me in the eye ... make me wonder. The mystery of it all will get you EVERYWHERE with me ... I won't rest until I know what you're hiding under there.

Smart. Dumb guys suck. I have to be able to talk to you. I dated a guy once that I expressly forbade from speaking in public. He was so so so pretty, but oh so stupid. That lasted all of three dates, before I realized that no amount of hotness could make up for his blessed stupidity. I swore I'd never date an idiot again.