not-so-dirty laundry
not-so-dirty laundry
love, ambition, sex, designer handbags, hotties in yankees caps ... the daily brain-dump of a twenty-something
Saturday, August 07, 2004

One lonely beastie I be
All by myself without nobody

I'm bored. I'm online for a chat with my class (thankfully, it is over tomorrow), and I have to sit here and read other people's "presentations" on various legal issues. This bores me. I can read a textbook, if I'm so inclined. So, I watched Pretty In Pink (great flick), and now I'm about to get up and pop in Animal House. Another hour of this chat madness and I'll go crazy.

Although one good thing came from this experience ... I was reminded how much I adore OMD's "If You Leave". Great song. I remember smooching a boy to that song ... per usual, I was a freshman in HS, he was a Senior. He was super cute, and I noted that he finally married the girlfriend he had after me. Yes, I've been out of school nearly eleven years. Nothing like a long engagement, eh?

OH LOOK ... time for our team to "present" ... be back later, I'm sure.