not-so-dirty laundry
not-so-dirty laundry
love, ambition, sex, designer handbags, hotties in yankees caps ... the daily brain-dump of a twenty-something
Monday, August 30, 2004

An Afternoon Diversion.
And other random not-so-newsworthy tidbits.

After a nice little half-hour long full-tilt fit with the elliptical machine, I feel refreshed. It's my coping mechanism, my way to exert my negative energy. Rationale: Maybe that's why I haven't been working out like I should lately ... I've been super happy. There is a nice hot bath in my future, because I betcha that I'll be sore tomorrow AM.

Quote of the day: This made me feel fantabulous. Ran into a guy that works in the GCC (the international nerve center of TheFirm's telephony operations) on the way out of work this PM. He mentioned that he hadn't seen me around the meetings of a project we had both been on. (Truth: I loathe Six Sigma projects ... I just went a few times as a favor to my then-boss.) Anyhow, he asked how everything was going, and how I was doing since he had seen me last (early December). I mentioned that I was now divorced, and that I had recently started dating again ... then mused that I defined "dating" as letting a man get past one date before picking him completely apart and finding a fatal flaw with him. The GCC guy found this amusing and just did the nervous toe-poking-the-ground thing. And then he uttered the words that made my day: "If you were my wife, I'd have never let you get away." I've been smiling ever since. That was the sweetest thing anyone's said to me in the longest time.

Damn Steverino: Has been making me have some naughty thoughts about conference rooms at work. I'm also terribly addicted to his blog. It's added to my blogroll for your (guilty) reading pleasure.

Fun in Cow-Town: The Buckeyes open their season on Saturday. I'm already having "Hang On Sloopy" and Cie Grant's version of "Carmen Ohio" crammed down my throat. Don't misunderstand me, they are both dandy songs, and I totally support the Bucks. But great googly moogly, can we please just NOT start that shit on Monday for a Saturday game? Particularly against the likes of f-ing Cincinnati. Michigan, yeah I get that. But Cincinnati? Blah.

As a further testament to Columbus' stupidity: people are stealing manhole covers all over the city. That totally rates a "what the fuck?" I could think of far better things to steal than manhole covers. Dumb asses.

Watching (soon to be watching it from the bathtub): Monday Night Football ... did anyone catch my sweetie-pie Howard Dean on the intro tonight? "We're gonna go to Green Bay, and to Indianapolis ... and then ... we're gonna go to Washington D.C.! [wink wink]"