not-so-dirty laundry
not-so-dirty laundry
love, ambition, sex, designer handbags, hotties in yankees caps ... the daily brain-dump of a twenty-something
Monday, March 08, 2004

We're Here! We're Queer!
a.k.a. Here comes the bride.

Allow me to preface this entry with a disclaimer: I am not gay.

Now that we have that little formality out of the way ... here's my thoughts. I think that a ban on gay marriage is stupid. I'm not, as you can see, a huge fan of the concept of marriage anymore. Maybe someday, but not for now. But I think that if a couple love each other, and they want to have that deep and legally protected commitment ... then go for it. I think that GWB simply is using his political power to continue furthering his conservative religious agenda. He wants to discriminate against Americans simply because HIS RELIGION SAYS SO. I think this is an absolutely ridiculous argument.

Why? As the ever-eloquent Drama Queen (see link to her journal in the side bar) put it: "My religion forbids mixing meat and dairy. Yet countless Americans are doing just that every day. I think it's an abomination as does my G-d. I found Dubuya's speech to be inspirational. If he gets to propose an amendment based solely on his religious beliefs, I fully expect to be granted the same right. I therefore propose a constitutional amendment forbidding the aboninations that are cheeseburgers. Support G-d. Forbid cheeseburgers!"

Now, doesn't it sound silly when you put it like that? Why aren't we pursuing a constitutional amendment forbidding the mixing of meat and dairy? If we had a Jewish president, and s/he did this, it would be loudly and soundly ridiculed. Why is it OK if it's a "mainstream" religious person pulling this crap?

Wow. The view from the top of this ivory tower is really awesome.