not-so-dirty laundry
not-so-dirty laundry
love, ambition, sex, designer handbags, hotties in yankees caps ... the daily brain-dump of a twenty-something
Monday, January 26, 2004

Not tonight honey. I have a headache.

I hate migraines. They make me want to put my head through the wall. I have consumed the following drugs today, just to try to stop the pain:

4 Excedrin Migraine
4 Tylenol Extra Strength
2 Vicodin
3 ice packs

Mind you, I NEVER take the vicodin. Not unless I am really really hurting.

So, anyways, I didn't do anything terribly interesting today. I slept the better part of the day away. But here are a few of my random observations for the day:

1. Name brand eggs ... why? Don't they all come from the asses of chickens? What makes name brand eggs any freaking better than regular ol' eggs? I don't get it.

2. How can people get hooked on Vicodin and want to take it all the time? All it did to me was make me sleepy.

3. When you are sick, you don't spend any money.

4. I am a recent convert to the church of "Ashton Kutcher is hot".

5. Although he still doesn't usurp my #1 "God Damn Is He Hot" ... Josh Duhamel. mmm. Tasty.

PS ... Give me 8 inches and make it hurt. We got tons of snow. YAY!

YESTERDAY'S AWNSDI: $15 at Jo-Ann's in thread and new bobbins for my sewing machine. But someone else bought my lunch and dinner, so I came out far ahead.

Man update: Are you nuts? I've been unconscious all day, and I'm about to go back to sleep again. Not a chance today. LOL